Not much ado on the knitting front, spring is also gone and perhaps tomorrow the world is coming to an end. You don‘t believe me??!!! Than you are a wise human being, because that’s only my inner grumbler speaking. Actually, nothing especially bad happened. But the wonderful sunny spring weather is replaced by storm and rain and hail – what a fun. Besides my fingers hurt, so I cannot knit right now (ahhhhhhhhhhhhh).
To beat this gloomy mood, I needed a distraction – and what a coincidence – it spontaneously emerged: the Netherlands fabric market.
Last year I visited this Eldorado of fabric, buttons, yarn and bias tape, but miscalculated the time I would need to browse the stalls and find the right fabric… I only had half an hour to get everything done before it closed. This year I wanted to be prepared and decided to start in the morning, so that I would have about 6 hours to enjoy this market. To prevent me going broke over this event, I engaged my good friend Silvi to stop me in case of a spending rush. Better even, I had a clear vision of the fabric I wanted to buy: a colourful jersey fabric with flowers for a summer version of the Stella sweater
On I went, full of sewing enthusiasm I jumped onto the tram only to leave it 30 minutes later in dire need of some caffeine 😀 Silvi was not averse to some cappuccino and sweets to strengthen our consuming abilities. After this lovely café stop we had free rein on the market as the weather had worsened and most people now went inside. But we are tough and went on.
Silvia found a wonderful stretchy fabric in anthracite with small white ornaments, whereas my magical flower jersey did not arise. Instead we found a stall with gorgeous knitted fabrics in bright but matching colours. I fell in love with an off-white fabric that was adorned with magenta and dark blue birds. But all their fabrics were beautiful… sadly much too expensive.
Again, we needed fuel to defy the storm and rain. As you can see on the photos the market was more or less deserted by now, because the weather was so ugly.
But I did not give up and at last I found a lovely fabric I could envision for a sweater.
As you can see it is neither flowery nor in bright summer colours. Instead it is a fabric which consists of fractured dark photos of forests, mountains and clouds. The pattern reminded me of record covers of the eighties. My idea is to use this fabric together with a dark green and black fabric for a sweater with triangles… If I managed to sew this thingie you will be the first to know (currently I am doctoring the pattern).
Thank you @crosheille for iniciating and @muscara, @shanibeer, @marblely for hosting the #needleworkmonday. If you want to see more beautiful projects with yarn, fabric and most of all needles, follow @needleworkmonday on steemit. Or even better grab your needles and keyboard and join the #needleworkmonday community. You can read more comments on this post on my steemit blog.